Thursday 8 November 2012

Sri Veera Brahmendra Swamy Teaches About Shatchakras: Even though sunlight falls on dirty, muddy and 50 things, then also the way Sun remains untouched (and doesn’t get dirty), similarly the foul smelling matter of the ‘Sthoola Deham’, or the ‘Kama Krodha’ (anger, lust) kind of vices of the ‘Sookshma Deham’, or the ‘Agyana’ (ignorance), of the ‘karana Deham’ does not touch the Lord present within us. The great lord always remains untouched by all these things even though he remains present within our body”.
One who does ‘Sri Guru Seva’ (service to his Guru) with devotion and analyzes or researches the wisdom from scriptures, he gains ‘Sookshma Drushti’ (micro vision) with which he becomes able to see the God within his own body.
Our body which is composed of five types of ‘Tatwams’,  seven ‘Dhatu’ and ten types of ‘Nadis’ ; contains 7 lotuses within it.

1.Mooladhara Chakra: This ‘Chakra’ is situated near the anus. It is of ‘Red’ color and has 4 petals viz. ‘Va’, ‘Sa’, ‘Sha’, ‘Sa’. It is of the form of consonant ‘Na’ (its ‘Mantram’ is ‘Na’), and is of the quality of Earth (‘Prudhvi Tatwam, Prudhvi Nilayam). It has four corners. Here ‘Adhara Lingam’ remains together with ‘Iccha Shakti’ (power of desire). In this ‘Chakra’ in 1 ‘Ghadiya’ (minute) 40 ‘Vidhadiya’ (seconds), 600 times the ‘Paramahamsa Japam’ occurs. ‘Lord ‘Vinayaka ’ is the owning deity of this ‘Chakra'.

2.Swadhishthana Chakram: It is situated at a distance of 2 fingers above the ‘Mooladhara Chakram’. It consists of 6 petals and has 3 corners. It is of the form of ‘Ma’ consonant (its ‘mantram’ is ‘ma’), is white in color, is of quality of water (‘Jalasthanam/Jalatatwam’) and is of ‘Jihvakaara’ shape and ‘Pakshiakara’. It has ‘Ba’, ‘Bha’, ‘Ma’, ‘Ya’, ‘Ra’, ‘La’ named six petals. Here ‘Guru Lingam’ remains together with ‘Kriya Shakti’ (Power of action). In this chakra to Lord ‘Brahma’ 6000 ‘Paramahamsa Japam’ (Chants) occurs in 40 minues and 40 seconds timeframe. The owning deity of this ‘Chakra’ is ‘Lord Brahma’

3.Manipooraka Chakram: It is situated above the ‘Swadhishthna Chakram’ at a distance of 3 fingers. It remains near the ‘Nabhi’ (navel) coiled around the ‘Nadis’ (nerves). It shines like a ‘Mani’ (Gem) and has ‘Blue’ color. It is of the form of ‘Shi’ consonant (its mantram is ‘Shi’) and consists of 10 petals named ‘Da’, ‘Dha’, ‘Ana’, ‘Ta’, ‘Tha’, ‘Da’, ‘Dha’, ‘Na’, ‘Pa’, ‘Pha’. It remains with a great aura (‘Tejam’) and is of the shape of an eye (‘Netrakaram’) and of ‘Peethakakruti’. Lord ‘Vishnu’ is the owner deity (‘Adhishthana Devata’ of this chakra. Here ‘Shivalingam’ remains in together with ‘Gyana Skahti’ (Power of knowledge). This place is ‘Agni Mudra Nadodhbhava SThanam’ (It is of Agni symbol and the originator of ‘Nadam’ (sound)). Here 600 ‘Paramahamsa’ japam occurs in 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

4.Anahata Chakram: is the next 4th chakra which is seated above the ‘Manipooraka’ at a distance of 10 fingers near the heart (‘Hrudaya Sthanam’) shines brilliantly with Yellow color, consists of 12 petals and is the palce of origination of all sentences (‘Samasta Vakyodhbhava Sthanam’). It is of the form of ‘Va’ consonant (its ‘mantram’ is ‘Va’) and has 12 petals by names, ‘Ka’, ‘kha’, ‘Ga’, ‘Gha’, ‘Inya’, ‘Cha’, ‘Chha’, ‘Ja’,’ Jha’, ‘Nya’,’Ta’, ‘Tha’. It is the place of ‘Vayu’ (‘Vayushthana’). It has ‘Tvageendriya karanam’ (failing to translate this Sanskrit word in English exactly) and remains in the form of a ‘Lingam’ (Lingakruti’). Lord ‘Rudra’ is the ‘Adhishthana Devata’ (Ruling/owning deity) of this chakra and here ‘Chara Lingam’ remains together with ‘Beejashakti’ (seed power). In 16 minutes and 40 seconds 6000 ‘Paramahamsa japam’ occurs here.

5.Vishuddha Chakram: which remains seated above ‘Anahata Chakram’ at a distance of 12 fingers. It is of white color. This chakra has 16 petals namely, ‘A’,’Aa’, ‘E’,’Ee’, ‘U’, ‘Uu’,’R’,’Ru’, ‘Lre’,’Lree’, ‘Ye’, ‘Ai’, ‘O’, ‘Ow’, ‘Am’, ‘Aha’. It is of the shape of a fish (’matsyakruti’) and of the form of ‘Ya’ consonant (its ‘mantram’ is ‘Ya’). This chakra is ‘Srotra Sthanam’ and remains near the ‘kantha Sthana’ (voice box/larynx). It is of the color of a flame (‘Jyotivarnam’) and here the owning person is ‘Jeevatma’ (soul). It is ‘Saraswati Sthanam’ (Place of Saraswati/ ‘vagdevi’ goddess of speech). Here ‘Prasada Lingam’ and ‘Adi Shakti’ remains and the ‘Mudra’ is ‘Akasha Mudra’. Here in 2 minutes and 40 seconds time 1000 ‘Paramahamsa Japam’ occurs.

6.Aagneya Chakram: which is located above the ‘Vishuddhna Chakram’ at a distance of 12 fingers at the ‘Bhroomadhya Sthanam’ (center point between eyebrows). It has 2 petals with names ‘Hreem’, ‘Ksham’. It is of the form of ‘Om’ syllable (which is its ‘mantra’). It is the place of ‘Anthahkarana’; it is of the color of Gold (‘Suvarna varnam’) and shines like fire. Lord ‘Eshwara’ is the ruling deity (‘Adhisthana Devata’) of this chakra. It is the place of all creations (‘Sarva Srushti Sthanam’). It has ‘Prakasha Mudra’ and here ‘Mahalingam and ParaShakti’ remains together. In 2 minutes 46 seconds 1000 ‘Paramahamsa Japam’ (Chants) Occurs.

Finally there is a 7th chakra called Sahasrara Chakra (crown shell). Above ‘Visuddha Ckakra’ there is a pore called ‘Brahma Randhram’ within which this chakra is situated. That chakra consista os 1000 petals and dazzles brilliantly. It is of the form of ‘Om’ syllable (in silence) which is its ‘Mantra’. This is the place of knowledge (‘Buddhi Nilaya Sthalam’). This is the cause of all universes, but doesn’t have any point oi origination. It is of ‘Sachchidananda Roopa’. The ruling deity of this chakra is ‘Sri Guru Murty’ (Lord ‘Panchamukhi Sadashiva’). Here ‘Omkaralingam’ remains together with ‘Jyotirmayi’. It is the place of ‘Pranava’ (‘Pranava Sthanam’) and is of ‘Vimala Gyana Mudra’.in 2 minutes 46 seconds, 1000 ‘Paramahamsa japam’ occurs here.

The wind which traverses these 7 chakras is called as ‘Pranam’.


  1. If anybody read this and aware of the charakas and how these charakas can be activated ?what shadana we shhould do to activate? it please let me know
    work please let me know my email adress is

  2. "Yoga" is the only way for Activate 'Shatchakras'

  3. "Yoga" is the only way for Activate 'Shatchakras'

  4. There is a third world war fast approaching. A comet ( mentioned in the Book of Revelations) is making fast approach and will destroy one third of the land in January 2037. It will impact Europe and will cause a famine. This famine will become gradually global. The Mahdi of Greater Arabia will launch a deceptive peace program and will get his hands on nuclear missiles. Islamic prophecies mention that Islamic invaders will be successful in invading Italy. It is also mentioned in the St. Malachy prophecies that Peter the Roman will preside over the destruction of the Church. after the asteroid ( hits the sea in June 2040 will destroy one third of the fishes and ships ) hostilities will break out paving the war in 2041 lasting 23 Years. Moreover 200 million soldiers mentioned in the Revelations book will kill 3 billion people about one third of the humanity. However the Christian prophecies and Indian prophecies mention about Kalki the last reincarnation of Vishnu who will restore order. Kalki was born in Shambala in the Telugu new year of Vishwavasu in 1965-66. He will appeart all his devotees in the year 2041 onwards. Do take a look at

  5. Jai Viswakarma, Jay Manu Maya Twasta, Silpi Viswagna 5 Rushis, jai JagadGuru VeeraBrahmendra Swami, Jai Eeswari Maatha, Jai Sanari Visweswara Swami, Jai Sree Veerabhogavasantharayalaki Jayamu Jayamu.
